Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Twitter Jail

Banned (again) from Twitter for a tweet someone didn't agree with in a discussion with Candace Owens about transgender-ism from October 13, 2018:

Her original tweet featured a short video: "Former Transgender woman Walt Heyer completely obliterates the "trans" narrative & reveals the truth; children switching genders signifies child abuse from the adults that watch them." You can watch the two minute interview video HERE.

Being a knucklehead, I joined the conversation:

Ray Cattie
@RealCandaceO That’s because they have a mental health disease called Gender Dysmorphia [sic- Dysphoria]. When diseases are glorified instead of treated, of course the person gets sicker and sicker.

I got this email from Twitter yesterday (12/16/18) morning, two months later: 

Yep-- Twitter Jail.

"Your account, @raycattie has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules. Specifically for: Violating our rules against hateful conduct. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease." 
Initially of course, I appealed.  That's my Delco Catholic response-- my reaction to things aren't generally good, as they are generated from an emotional response-- my pathos. My inflamed reaction was that I essentially quoted from the fifth addition of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association) about gender dysphoria, defined as, "...a person (who) is significantly distressed by the (perceived) mismatch between their assigned sex and gender identity," and that I was being put in Twitter Jail for copying and re-tweeting a fact.
I just like the Twitter Jail pics.

As my reaction cooled and my pathos took the elevator ride back down to the fight or flight part of my brain, my logos-mind spoke up. We decided to delete the "offending comment," as we reasoned that it's more important not to lose the access to the social media behemoth than it is to get banned for a single point that ultimately wasn't even ours.

I think there might be a whole chapter in the DSM-5 for us-- er, me...


Got this trophy yesterday (12/20/19):

... so winning is possible!

(c) Ray Cattie

1 comment:

ReTeG said...

You love to offend the offense algorithms! Giving them algarrhythmias! Hehe.. Okay, I'll stop here.