Thursday, April 29, 2010

AP- Drexel Hill, PA
(image shown) The
Smithsonian Institute
confirmed administration’s
worst fears— the myster-
ious creature captured
in the high school court-
yard on Thursday,
April 22, 2010, was
female, and several
“nests” containing
undisclosed quantities
of eggs were found in
multiple locales both
inside and outside of
the high school. While
a locker search was
conducted over the
week-end of April 24-25,
there is no way to be
certain all of the nests
were found. In a related
story, the Center for
Disease Control has
confirmed maintenance
worker William “Billy Jack”
Jackson was bitten by the
creature and remains in a
coma at the University of
Pennsylvania Trauma Unit.


Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that yesterday's "fire drill" was in fact NOT a fire drill (already had April's drill, and it's not May yet), but rather it was an evacuation. Witnesses who wish to remain anonymous have said that it was an evacuation, as another Drexel Hill Devil creature was found on the first floor of the high school's D wing.

Are the groundhogs next?

Ray said...

Note: the groundhogs the above blogger is referring to are our resident population of woodchucks who live in borrows in the fields behind the high school. The concern expressed is that the mysterious Drexel Hill Devil creatures could theoretically slaughter the docile groundhogs and supplant them in residence. The problem is that Woodchucks are vegetarians, whereas it appears that our 'Devils have a taste for blood... human blood.